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Eyes, Nose, Fat Transfer Experience at ITEM PS in Korea

nida_zahara nida_zahara

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I had operation done on my eyes, nose and fat graft at Item plastic surgery. My costs are roughly eye (incision+ptosis) $2,300 USD, nose (bridge+tip, hump) $2,800 USD, fat graft (forehead, nasolabial fold, chin) $1,700 USD.
  • 265
  • 7
  • 6284
After surgery, I felt like a new person having operated three kinds of surgeries - eyes, nose, and fat graft. I feel my life changed for the better after surgery. During the recovery period, I only stayed at home and was worried if this was really going to be okay. Alas, I realized that patience is the key. I didn’t hide my surgery to people around me because they could obviously tell my change! No regrets to my surgery and I look forward to my new beautiful life.