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Fat Grafting Surgery in BK Hospital Seoul Korea

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I’m excited to be going back to Seoul and BK clinic! I have utmost faith in Dr Kim Byung Gun and his team because of their expertise and patience. They hav English speaking staff, a huge hospital, even a guest house for recovering patients. I’ve previously done other procedures with them and friends that I’ve referred previously are all very pleased. They also have an aesthetic clinic in Singapore where I’ve visited for lip fillers and botox. I do a lot of sports and generally don’t have a lot of fat. Also with age, I was hoping to look more youthful for the next few years. I want to have a fuller forehead, fill in any hollows under my eyes, and at my nasolabial folds area. Can’t wait! Will update here on my progress!
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Subtle yet proven results! Definitely look less tired and more Vibrant, less lines and more defined forehead!
Post op 2 weeks. Friends have noticed. Really happy with my forehead and side profile! Staff from BK also checking on my progress. Really satisfied. Radiant skin and looking fresh without makeup!
Today is one week post fat graft. I went to BK Aesthetics to remove my stitches from the donor site from the back of my thighs with Dr Yong. It’s healing well! There is only some bruising on my legs and around my eyes (which are well hidden by concealer and makeup). In the photo, you can see the curvature of my forehead-much rounder and pronounced, but still natural looking. My friends have noticed a difference, although I’m till deswelling, and they said my skin is more dewy. I’m pleased with the overall service and results, and the next top-up will be in 3-6 months time with the fat that they’ve set aside in storage!
I had a pretty eventful first day after the procedure. Went shopping, also ate a lot of street food... and went to the hair salon to get my hair washed because obviously, I had tapes on my face and bandages on the back of my legs.... When I woke up today, (Day 2 aft fat graft), I was slightly more swollen but it subsided a little after I started walking around. I came to BK Hospital again for the removal of tapes and cleaning of the wound and my face is definitely fuller and brighter! Just a little puffy. Experience has been great! The team here is amazing and BK is so through from their blood and medical history checks, to the before and after photo taking for comparison. Every single thing you can imagine, they have something in place to make your experience more comfortable and convenient! I’ll be flying back home from Seoul today. Will update with the proper after photos after more of the swelling goes down!
The donor site at the back of my legs are a little sore but manageable, like a sports muscle ache. Face is a little swollen on the left cheek but I know de-swelling and swelling for that matter will be uneven! Will be removing the facial tapes tomorrow and consulting again with Dr Kim to see my results. Remember to abstain from alcohol and strenuous exercise!
BK hospital is super near the train station and situated in a nice neighborhood. Loads of cafes opposite! I came in for another consultation with Surgeon Dr Kim. Everyone was so nice to me, Alwin shoutout to Nancy and Tanya. Girls- also remember to remove your nail polish or gelish for the oxygen to saturation machine to detect a clearer reading if you are to be sedated. Right now, I have tapes on... I will be back for cleaning two days from now. Face feels only a little tight, no bruising, but my thighs (donor area) feels a little achey but manageable!