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Full Face Fat Graft in Korea

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  • แพทย์ : Seung Ryong Lee
  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2018.07.10
My face looked ugly and puffed after the fat transplant. I felt my mood was down because of the swelling on the face. I tried to think positive about the recovery process,andthe nurses and doctortold me it would look natural after all. My face felt like really swollen.
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I had concerns that I look older than my age because of the sunken part in my face.I wondered if I had to go through facial contour surgery, but after the full face fatgraft, all of my concerns are relieved. I think I look more youthful and feminine now. If the first time fat grafted are absorbed they recommendedthe second touch up. I have to go back to Korea if I want to get the second touch up but my schedule is not fit. I'll update if I need to get a touch-up or not.
There was a lot of swelling over all of the forehead. It came down a lot now. I like the result because it didn’t look too much volume on the face. My cheek filled up,and I felt like my zygoma doesn’t look protruded any more. The downtime: The fat harvested part was very sore. It was uncomfortable to go to the restroom. I couldn’t even run fast. I think it would be better if I have enough rest after the fatgraft. I had some bruises though.