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 幼い頃は、顎が他の人との違うことに気づきませんでした。私は大家族で、8人の兄弟姉妹がいます。しかし、私と弟だけが顔が非対称で顎が目立っていたため、とても惨めな思いをしてきました。 さらに、私は咀障害を引き起こす不正咬合にも苦しんでいました。特に麺を食べるときは、歯で噛むことができず、 舌を使って小さくするしかありませんでした。これが原因で、慢性機能性消化不良も引き起こしていました。  ずっと家族の世話に専念してくれは母は、顎で悩む私たちに対しいつも「申し訳ない」と罪悪感を感抱いていました。母の罪悪感を和らげたい。 それが、LET Beautyに応募するきっかけとなった理由です。
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One year after the surgery, if I have to count what things that I have done were accurate, I would say that I have no regret to take the surgery. I think that is the most proper thing I have done in my life so far. Every time when I laugh, people are very surprise because my facial expression looks very natural and gorgeous. Especially all my complex of my old looking have been gone completely after the Natural V-line surgery, Now, I can eat anything I want to eat, I can say anything I want to say. It feels very perfect!
Perhaps it means nothing to others but it is the greatest happiness to me since I was so lucky to have not only my life but also my little brother, Gwangmin's rewritten together! I am appreciated that he had a very successful surgery as well and he is now doing good on everything. I feel like I received the biggest gift to be reborn form God.
After the filming, I went back to my hometown, Youngju. I was so surprise everybody can recognized me on streets. Perhaps that is what we call media effect. I am getting used in my new life and start my new job. Everything is just back on track. My name became a hot search term right after the broadcast. More and more people identified me on streets. It had been already 4 months! I think I can take out of the teeth brace soon!
Swollen face had vanished almost and recovered very quickly with proper care. I had prerecorded LET Beauty at this time. I had a short hair cut, well-dressed and nice makeup done for the recording. I was very shocking because of my new look when I looking at the big screen. I just couldn't believe that is my face at that moment. It has been a long time that I couldn't see my family. I couldn't stop my crying at all when I saw my mother and brother walking toward me from the other side of the stage. I was much appreciated that Dr.Choi said their team have decided to spnosor my brother's jaw surgery.
I am likely to be dropsy easily since I was born. On the contrary, other LET Beauties in the boarding house they were quite different from mine. Their symptoms of swelling were going down very auickly within 2 weeks. Therefore, I was trying all my best to apply hot pack and cold compresses to ease swollen symptoms with a will. Alsao, I've heard it is effectively reduce the swelling by walking. So I went out for a walk often.
It has been 1 week already after the surgery. After I had done my preparation I was heading to hospital to make subsequent visit with doctor and had taken out stitches whice were inside my mouth. The symptoms of swelling were serious and obvious and I had to wear bandage all the times, and it had drawn people's attention easily. I couldn't confirm my situation anyways since all mirrors in the boarding house have been sealed completely.
Malocclusion had been corrected by Bimaxillary Diorthosis, meanwhile, while my facial line being corrected, I had Natural V-line, T.O.P rhinoplasty and eyes job done as well. I cannot remember what I have done after surgeries though. I think I was super weary of all those surgeries so I felf asleep deeply for 2 days right after poeration. Perhaps it was a little bit trouble in breating? I wasn't allowed to wash my hair for 3days after surgery but I felt very comfortable when I finally had my first hair washing afterwards. Also, nurse had check for my sutures inside my mouth with loosen the immovable bandage and disinfected it for me very carefully.