Korean Time

hhye_y_66 hhye_y_66

  • 医師との相談 :
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 私は30歳の主婦で、4歳の娘がいます。 不正咬合や顔がデコボコしていたため、周囲からは、いつも怒っているように見えると言われました。 そして、食べるときは、顎の内側を使って噛むので、口の前側で噛んだことはありませんでした。 正直言って、小さい頃はそれほど酷くはありませんでしたが、思春期の頃から顎が前に伸びてきて、みんながかわいくメイクをして出かけている 時期に、私は隠れて外出しないようにしていました。顔のことが私の最大のコンプレックスだったので。 多くの人から、私の醜い顔のせいで態度や性格までも悪いと言われました。 私はとても傷つき辛かったです。最も信頼していた夫でさえ、家を出て行き、私から離れて行きました。 私はこんな生活は絶対に間違っていると感じ、新しい生活を始めたいと決心し、整形手術をすることを決めました。
  • 63
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  • 2612
Nowadays, I am living without much worry. Previously, I could only eat porridge so I think this is why now I can only eat about half a bowl of rice, which has caused me to lose a lot of weight as well. But, now I can eat whatever I want! From the beginning to now, I can see all the differences and good progress on my face, so I have been living a very fun life. For those who are thinking of orthognathic surgery! Please stay strong! Your struggle will only be temporary…you should get your surgery done!
When I think of my face before surgery, the bottom part of my mouth is protruded that makes me look angry all the time as I have heard from people. But when I look at my mouth and jawline now, I can see that it changed so much. Because I am constantly eating porridge, I end up going to the washroom often and I get hungry fast too. Slowly, my breathing is getting better and I am starting to sleep well now. I am very happy nowadays.
Before my surgery, I looked up pictures of after surgery and everyone seemed to sleep while lying down, so I decided to try as well but it was really, really uncomfortable. After moving around to find the right position to sleep, I was in discomfort for a few hours and ended up putting my pillows up high and slept off. The surgeon also told me that I had to start practicing opening my mouth and jaw, so every morning, noon and evening I practice for 10 minutes.
As you could see, the surgery was a success! When I went into the operation theatre, I was really nervous. After waking up from my general anesthesia, I was already in the recovery room. I was so absent-minded after surgery and it didn’t hurt but I was cold I felt a little stuffy. I had to sleep with sedation on this day.