Korean Time

jwpe jwpe

  • 医師との相談 :
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 手術の前は、普通にしていてもイライラしているのかとか間違えられ、周囲にぶっきら棒な印象を与えていました。特に下顎が突出していて目立っていたので、笑顔を作るのはとても大変でしたが、いつも頑張って笑顔を作りながらなるべく優しい表情になるように努力していました。また不正咬合のため食物を上手く摂取することも困難でした。また、手術前は写真をを撮ったり、イベントで活動したりするのが嫌いでした。韓国の典型的な一重の切れ長の目だったので、いつも怒っているように見えていたからです。   ぱっちりした二重まぶたまでは期待していませでしたが、少なくとも何らかの解決策がないか探していました。私のこのイメー ジを再構築するために.. 病院での検 査の結果、眼瞼下垂症と診断されました。 幸いなことに、 医師は手術で修正することが可能だといってくれました~~
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After 2 months, I think everything is just back to normal because I feel all my facial expressions are very smoothly and soft now! Since blepharoptosis being corrected, everybody says my eyes brimming with radiating vigor haha Actually, I was worring about so much before taking the surgery. Because I thought plastic surgery is girl's stuff. I will never be linked with it. But as what you can see now, the surgery was done very successfully and I became much manlier!!
Just one month passed so fast! Now I can make facial expressions very smoothly and freely! Everybody says I look very nice now and totally different from past! I receive many praises from people recently. Also, people say my reshaped eyes just very fixed to my new facial line naturally!
It has been 3 weeks already since the surgery. Finally I can close my mouth smoothly after almost a month! And now I can see my face is shaping up~~ Honestly, my nose looked very short before the surgery, but it now looks higher than before after all. With the surgery had done successfully, my eyes are recovering well at the meanwhile. In the past, because of blepharoptosis I used to knit my brows every time when I open up my eyes. According to nurse's suggestion, I am working so hard on correcting my bad habit of opening eyes now!
Just one week after the surgery, I was allowed to take out all of stitches both eyelids and parotids. I am feeling so different obviously! I finally can blink my eyes! Finally! The symptoms of swelling are getting diminish little by little, even though I still cannot conscious of things at the moment, but yes, obviously my chin became shorter than ever! As what you can see, my lower jaw was swelling very serious than the upper part. Following the suggestion from nurse. during recovery, I was trying to get enough sleep and keeping applying hot and iced compresses rotationally as much as I can do when I was home.