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7 months after surgery: I was so satisfied. The last time I went to check on my healing progress, the surgeon said that my swellings healed very well and the head of department also complimented me on how pretty I am. Why did I worry so much before this? If I had my surgery earlier, I would’ve gotten pretty earlier too.
4 months after surgery: It’s already 4 months so fast. I’ve not been able to take picture 4s because I have been so busy. Today, during my little free time, I took some pictures.
1 month after surgery: I think my face swelled up a little more because I have been eating a lot. I want to fully heal fast but why isn’t time passing me fast….? I don’t think I can see a difference from previously.
1 month after surgery: There is still a little bit of swelling. My colleagues thought that I did fat grafting and they kept on asking me. They said I look cuter now.
2 weeks after surgery: My face is still a little swelled up but most of the swelling went down. I’ve also used the ice pack as much as I could. Now I just hope I can heal faster!
D-4: My face looks like a stuffed King Dumpling right? Sometimes I wonder if this really is my face. The nurse told me to use my ice pack as much as possible to reduce the swelling faster so I used the ice pack as much as I could. I was also told that I have to walk around a lot for the swelling to go down faster so I went walking as much as I could too.
These pictures below are images on the day of the surgery itself right after my surgery was completed. It wasn’t as swelled as I thought it would be and nothing else hurt except for when I open my mouth slightly bigger, it was a little bit uncomfortable. I was energized and it wasn’t hard for me as the nurses were taking care of me well.