Korean Time
より自然で、より美しく。 調和のとれた顔立ちに!

eg_kk eg_kk

  • 医師との相談 :
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 私は未婚の母で、3人の子どもを自分一人の給料で養っています。3人のうち2人は私の妹で、1人は私の娘です。未婚だったため、苦しい生活から抜け出すのはなかなか難しい状況でしたが、 子ども達にとって常にベストな母親でいること、そして尊厳ある生活を送りたいとずっと思っていました。そういう思いから、私はしっかりした職業に就きたいと思い、看護師免許資格を取得しました。 しかし、いざ就職活動をしてみると、私を受け入れてくれる職場はどこもありませんでした。外見至上主義の風潮に 私は心から怒りを覚えました。  すでにLET Beauty 4の候補に志願していましたが、合格できるか少し疑心的でした。前シーズンに参加した人達がどうやってこの経験を手に入れたか、成功談をネットで目にしました。これらすべてがとても印象的で、私に大きな希望を与えてくれました。 だから、私はためらわずに今季申し込みました。発表の時、自分の名前を呼ばれた時は驚きのあまり呆然としてしまいました。
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My new face just getting more natural by time goes on. Also, my face ling becoming clearer while swelling gradually subsides. Most important is I can chew more easily and enunciate clearly. My lantern jaw just disappeared without a trace and I am taking my orthodontic treatment regularly these days. Besides, I am working so hard. I feel so happy eeveryday because of my daughter says I look so nice now. Again, I am very appreciated all the staff in VIEW especially Dr. Choi, they gave me the second life and a reason for living.
I can feel my face had changed a lot when I touch it with my fingers. I couldn't eat anyting but just smooth food right after operation. But now apparently I am allowed to eat normally as time goes on. Therefore, I am trying to renew my strength by keeping a balanced diet. I don't feel the same about my eyes as i did apparently! I used to open my eyes so hard, I even had deep worry lines etched into my forehead every time when I tried to open my eyes strongly. Now as what you can see, my eyes became vivider, bigger and more rounder. Also people say I look much more favorable and nicer now.
I was a bit frustrated because of I couldn't check my face by look in mirrors during the period when I stayed in LET Beauty boarding house. I am so appreciated when people highly praise me now. I often imagined my face as the way people described for me, so excited and nervous. Now I have double eyelids, tall and straight nose, needless to say my face also became much more attractive. Abobe all, my pronunciation being corrected successfully and I can chew easily when I am eating now. Because I just got all job done, still I cannot eat normally, But clearly feel my jaw moves more smoothly than before. I just cannot wait to see my face now. I just so worrying about my kids right this moment. I miss them so much.
After shooting. I was invited to VIEW Medical Group to had my first pre-consultation with Dr. Choi. I was too nervous to lost my sleep at the night before I went to VIEW. My breasts were getting smaller after a long lacticational period and I was so ashamed. I havne't take any breast examination or body check officially after my childbirth. I am so glad that I can take my body check here. The equipment of this hospital is complete and they are providing full services to assure everything being check before peration. Especially I finally found out the reason why I had so many inconveniences after taking CT and X-ray diagnosis. It was all caused by my lantern jaw. I was diagnosed as 3rd degree serious malocclusion which causes chewing afunction in life. Therefore, for those reasons and more Dr. Choi and his team made final decision and decided to operate several surgeries on me, respectively NANO Bimaxillary Diorthosis, V-line resharping, Cheekbone resharping, T.O.P rhinoplasty, Combinative non-incision for eye widening and FACE OFF. I still cannot believe I had taken all these surgeries. Then, I went into the operative room after all body checking with a light heart.