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 手術前の私の顔も、実際 そんなに風変わりではなく気に入らない訳でもなかったのですが、髪を縛って耳を出したりすると、顔を見るのが嫌で受け入れられない状態でした。それがとても不快だったので、常に髪の毛で隠しカバーしていました。  友人達は私を「大きな頭」とか「丸い顔」と呼びました...なぜなら私の顔が醜いから…私はこれですべて終わったように感じました、私は心からそこから抜け出す出口を探したいと思うようになりました。
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Recently, I had changed my hair style which I couldn't try with my old face before. I think the surgical result is good! I recently accepted facial fat transplatation! It makes me look cute with a little bit baby fat. And I feel my skin became softer after all~
I think everything back in normal now! I can open my mouth freely as usual. No impact on my life so far. My face looks much smaller now after all swelling down! Honestly, I feel like I am totally reborn after surgery.
It is anoter week. I can see swelling on my face is mostly gone, especially on nose and forehead. Actually my chin was swelling very obviously but I didn't worry too much. Now I can eat porridge, or chew something soft~ But I still feel a little bit tight even I had stitches inside my mouth took off.
Eventually, I decided to take the surgery since I was sort of losing my confidence because my face day by day. After I had all job done, I feel my confidence is coming back to me little by little hahaa. My face was totally get swelling and I felt very powerless right after surgery and this feeling was lasting for almost 2~3 days. I felt thirsty all the time and couldn't eat as usual, the only thing I can do is sleep over and over. With one week passing by, I went to hospital to take off all stitches, and doctor said I am all ready to back to normal now. Well, still I can see my face is swelling so far but it dosen't hurt even thought I touch it with my figures.