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 私は小さい頃からこのように顎の形にずっと悩んできました。友人達から、変形した私の外観をいつも笑われ、その事がとても辛くて何度も泣きました。友人達は冗談で言ったつもりかもしれませんが、私にとってはとても胸が痛い言葉でした。  以前は、細長い顎、団子鼻、ロバのような耳のせいで顔が猿のように見えました。仲間が集まるたびに私を猿と呼んでいました。それは本当に耐え難いことで、すべてが嫌でした。そのことが原因で私は決して短い髪型にはしませんでした。なぜなら、長い髪で顔の欠点をカバーする必要があるからです。 Facebookで探検していたある日、偶然LET Beauty season4で外国人候補者を募集している事を知りました。このテレビ番組はアジア地域だけでなく他の国でも有名で、タイでも放送されとても人気がありました。とても素晴らしいニュース!! 私は必死にばって申し込みを送りました。なんと私が当選したのです。本当に自分が選ばれるとは思っていませんでした。私は家族と共にこの素晴らしいニュースを喜び合い、すぐに韓国に向けて出発しました。
  • 110
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  • 2099
It has been 7 months since surgeries already! Time files so fast! I still remember the mood when I first visited Korea, it was exciting and everything was so strange to me. To be honest, I miss those old days in Korea very much. Everthing looks natural on me at present. I got my nomal life back on track and everything is finally settle down. Of course I mean my face haha. All defects on my face are gone and symptoms of swelling ared down completely. I feel better than good definitely! Actually now I am a fan of VIEW Medical Group on facebook. I'd like to follow up all information updates on the page. It is quite convenient to keep in touch with the group through the official website! I'd like to express my thanks to those who contributed their efforts to me sincerely. especially docotors and nurse form VIEW Medical Group! I couldn't get better withbout their help!
I finally back in Thailand to meet with my family. They all are so happy for me! I feel like now I have enough confidence to do everything. Compared with the day in film studio, the swelling on my face was totally gone. It is easier to chewing food noew. I am paying all my attention to take care of my teeth now. I feel now I am completely different to before, I am full of confidence and energetic. It was my dream to be a stewardess since years ago. I am closer to my dream little by little. I am very appreciated those who gave me a lot of help during this tough period. especially the team of LET Beauty and Doctors. Never shall I forger their kindness. Now it is the time to go for my dream!
I had to move into the boarding house after done of all surgeries. It was a very greast fully equipped house that I've never met before. I felt so comfortable during all the staying since we have few full-time caregivers to take care for all of us, those who were selected as LET Beauties, from the menu management system to exercise management system. Because of I knew nobody here, no friends, no families, I was so glad that other LET Beauties are so nice to ask me to be friend with each other. Also, I am a bit frustrated because of I completely cannot see how my face being changed. As long as I think about that I am not allowed to watch mirrors in 2 months. I am very curious of my face especially when people keep telling me that I look very pretty right now. I am so shy since I've not yet adapted all well-meaning praises from people. After FACE OFF peration 1 month later, I had to take another surgery on my nose, additionally it was flat and two large wid-open nostrils made me look so countrified. The nose reshaping is based on how my face being changed. I was so lucky that I can experience what Korean selectable high-teck surgery is in person. Even though a sypmtom of swelling still seems obvious on my face but I can feel the shape is getting change positively little by little. I am allowed to eat smooth things and stile fell difiicult to open my mouth since I have braces on my teeth. Besides, I can pronouce almost accurate and chaw easier now. I am getting used to my life here as time goes on. The other thing is, although I don't know how to speak Korean Language but it is okay to communicate with others by body language at the boarding house. I am so appreciated I got a lot of helps from othres here.
I made a visit VIEW Medical Group at the day. I was feeling both nervous and excited. After went through the pre consultation with Dr. Choi, I had to take full body examination before go into the poerative room, it is all for safety. As what I mentioned just now, I was very nervous and excited since I finally got the precious chance to fix my jaw and nose. I was extremely jealous while others luckily had their job done and became so beautiful. While I lying down on the operating table, I was full of hope as long as I think about my appearance can be completely reshaped afterwards.