Korean Time

mchaee11 mchaee11

  • 医師との相談 :
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私の最大の問題は、顔が全体的にごつごつした印象に見えることでした。頬と顎のラインが滑らかではく、女性的な柔らかなラインではありませんでした。第一印象は、いつも実年齢より年をとって見えました。また高校生の時、鼻を怪我したため、顔が少し非対称に見えました。 私はいつも年相応の女の子のように見えることを夢見てきました。
  • 21
  • 1
  • 4166
I got a job at a company I was hoping for and I felt as if I was living my dream. I was so relieved I did the operation and was very satisfied with my results. It gave me so much more excitement and confidence in my new pretty face 
I had zero infection and my recovery was fast. The transformation felt amazing as I got better and better day by day. I have heard compliments about how demure and feminine I looked after surgery. I've always looked older than my age but now people are guessing way younger! My nose felt less blockage as I deswell bit by bit. Fat transplantation has made my face more three dimensional and I really enjoy looking at the mirror every day wearing various makeups. Jewelry made me beautiful without any compromise on safety.
From the day of the operation to the next day, I woke up from the anesthesia, my face became more swollen and I felt a little bit of pain. During the recovery period, I drank pumpkin juice and ate soft bread, which was easy to swallow. My only inconvenience was that I could not wash my face as it had stitches on for a week. I do not worry about the surgery because I am usually a brave person, so the recovery period seemed to pass quickly.