Korean Time

Yewha Yewha

  • 医師との相談 :
  • 親切度 :
  • 環境 :
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  • クリニック名 :
  • 医師 : -
  • 手術日 : 2016.02.22
こんにちは。手術後の結果がとても自然なので、手術をしたことを忘れてしまうくらいです。 手術前はいつも頬をフォトショップで加工していましたが、今ではもう必要はありません。  以前、私の頬は広くて大きかったので、頬骨縮小とVライン(エラ張り矯正)手術を行い、顎にもインプラントを挿入しました。多くの人からアキュスカルプとは何かと聞かれました。 これは、脂肪を除去してフェイスリフトの役割を果たしてくれる美容的ケアで、頬の部分に脂肪がある人(私のように)や、肌が厚めでたるみがある人には非常に効果的です。 私はこれらの手術をすべてを同じ日に実施しました。
  • 2550
  • 10
  • 31454
I think I personally recover quite fast, there wasn’t too much inconvenience, I just had to endure that one week. There are people who still feel discomfort after surgery even though it has been quite a while after surgery. I think it all boils down to the hospital you choose – which is really important. Also, doing too much plastic surgery is probably not a good idea, I think plastic surgery is about doing what needs to be fixed. Those who are curious, feel free to ask me any questions!
They call this period the ‘liz season’, I look more lively than usual because of the slight swelling, and lost a bit of weight, it’s the time I am most satisfied with how I look. Sometimes I’d randomly get reminded of how I used to look before. We, humans are really creatures that can adapt.
My cheeks are still slightly swollen at this point.
Headed out for a bit and did not experience any hindrance. I could go around places and not attract unnecessary attention. Just had a bit of inconvenience when eating. The wound on my outer eyelid is healing well.
Time to remove the stitches below my eye, I think my bloodshot eyes have been going on for months T.T You can probably tell the swelling in my cheekbone area has gone down a lot. Face shape still looks rather round. Finally starting to look like a proper human after taking a shower.
Swelling has gone down quite a bit. I have been going around wearing a mask, café hopping.
Removed the tape on my chin, other than the 6th day after surgery, I had to go to the hospital everyday for dressing and stitches removal.
When the swelling starts. I also have bruises, it is the most difficult period, and I think its going to be like this for another week.
Taken after surgery… I think you can feel my pain just looking at my pictures.