Korean Time
顔面輪郭 :)

blueflower blueflower

  • 医師との相談 :
  • 親切度 :
  • 環境 :
  • 価格 :
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  • カテゴリー :
  • クリニック名 :
  • 医師 : -
  • 手術日 : 2016.01.13
 私は、他の同世代の女の子同様、プライドが強めの普通の女の子です。 顔がそんなに広い大きいという訳ではありませんでしたが、写真を見ると、額が比較的狭く、下顎が大きく見え、左右の顔のバランスがとれていないことがはっきり分かりました。長年、自分の顔がかわいくないと感じていて、特に女性らしさを感じられない顔に悩んできました。そういった思いから、最終的に私は顔の輪郭の手術を行うことにしました。
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I wake up everyday looking more feminine and sophisticated. Not many people could tell what has been done but my friends all thought that I looked fresher and somewhat younger! I love taking selfies now that every angle of me just looked perfect! No regrets to my facial contouring at all  thank you Misooda ^^
My swelling is almost all gone! However I do experience some mild numbness on my chin area. My beauty dream is finally coming true! One thing to note post surgery is not to eat spicy and hot food as the wounds in your mouth are really sensitive and you don’t want to burn yourself.
Can you see that my swelling has already gone down a lot? The head band given post contouring was pretty uncomfortable but I was very determined on my results and decided to persevere. I was instructed to keep the head band on for at least 2 weeks for 24 hour to hold its shape. After 2 weeks post surgery, I just needed to wear the band only when I am at home. The band also helps in a quicker recovery and reduces swelling.
I can see my facial shape getting smaller even when wearing the facial band. My friends around me could tell that I looked softer and more feminine. However, I think my swelling reduces slower than other people