Korean Time

wiwat wiwat

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 こんにちは、私の名前はWiwatと申します、タイの放送局で働いています。 手術前、自分の顔が最大のコンプレックスでした。 顔が長く、エラも張っていたので、放送の時は顔が特に大きく映ってみえました。 顔全体にボリュームもなく、これによりさらに顔が大きく見えていました。 もちろん、私の顔を悪くなかったという人もいて、多くの人からなぜ手術をしたのかと聞かれましが、私は放送の仕事をしている人間として、自分の経験を多くの人にお伝えすることが出来ると思い、私は整形手術を実施することにしました。
  • 254
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  • 2975
For my nose, for the first two weeks, my sensory was weak but within the third week, my sensory was coming back. After doing my alar reduction surgery, I was worried if my scars would look too obvious but as you can see, the scars are not visible at all. I also felt that my jawline swellings were almost all reduced during the third week post-surgery. There is still a little swelling left but I’m sure it will reduce even more. Firstly, I think I’ve gain more confidence in myself which makes me feel good and because of the fat grafting, I look way younger than before. My friends also tell me that my aura has also changed quite a lot. Since I’m meeting my friends after a long time, they were very surprised too. They ask me why my aura has changed, and also tell me that I have become more handsome. I hope everyone could be cool and find confidence like I did!
As time passes by, it’s starting to look natural and I am very satisfied with it. I did the V-Line, Rhinoplasty and Fat Grafting all at once but there was no botching at all and I was very glad that everything turned out well. Also, when I go to the clinic, the consultants, coordinators and doctors treat me so well so I am very thankful.
I look like a carp right? Haha! However, it did not swell up as much as I was expecting it to, so I guess that is a relief! I’ll have to use the ice pack more often.