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Goodbye button nose!

genie kim genie kim

  • 与医生商谈 :
  • 友善度 :
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  • 医院名称 :
  • 医生 : -
  • 手术日期 : 2016.01.11
My concern was my thick fat nose that enlarged when I smiled! My friends would make fun of my nose calling me chubby nose. Every time I heard these names it really hurt my feelings. This inferiority took away my enjoyment of taking selfies because my fat nose made my entire face look chubby. Now, my nose is a lot slimmer and it does not enlarge even when I laugh! The best part is, it looks so natural that people around me don’t even notice it! I had little to no swelling and I met the kindest doctors and nurses whom calmed me throughout the surgery. With Namu’s unique , I was able to trust the hospital with no worries.
  • 214
  • 5
  • 6719
It's ^th month after my surgery
It's my 3rd month after surgery
It's a Months after my nose surgery