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my beautiful lips

flowerlips flowerlips

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  • 手术日期 : 2016.04.05
When we talk about Korean cosmetic surgery everyone thinks its limited to facial contouring, eyes and nose surgery but I'd like to share my experience of having a thick lip reduction which isn't too common for a surgery!
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he result after my lip correcting surgery is just amazing!
The wound got much better on my lips but the healing depends on each individual because everyone has different recovery speed. The clinic mentioned that recovery can be between 20 days to up to 6 months. Thankfully for me, I wore make up and lipstick after 1 month and now it I can hardly see any scarring!
I have dressed up and wore full make up today for hanging out with my friends its 25 days after the scar is so light that no one noticed it. if compare to going to clinic everymonth for having lip injection I really loved the result of the permanent surgery
My surgery took 1-2 hours in total. After surgery, the doctor pasted a special tape on the corners of my lips to keep the lifting shape. The results were not very obvious at that time but you can see the stitches on my upper lips.
I went to the hospital to get the stitches removed and I hardly noticed any obvious wounds on my lips!