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Lips and Fat Graft

dada dada

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  • 手术日期 : 2015.02.11
I really envy friends who have done surgery and I wanted to have the same transformation experience. I think the right time for surgery is while we are young so we can have our new faces for longer time! Life Is short and beauty is temporary. I went to Deesse Plastic Surgery to have my flat face fixed so I can have that three dimensional looking face and also I did lip lifting surgery on my low hanging lips that made me look old.
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After 1 month I transform in to a perfectly beautiful girl! Of course I still cant be compare to famous actresses but when I compare to how I looked like before, this effect is so dramatic! Now I don’t need to spend so much time for make up! When I meet my friends and relatives now, they tell me how much younger and sexier I look now.
7 days after the procedures the scars on my upper lip is getting so much lighter now! Maybe I am one of those who recovers fast after surgery. I like my new look since I look cuter and younger.
I was shown the fat grafting needle on surgery day and it was pretty small. To my surprise it didn't hurt at all. The main part of my face that injected with fats are on my forehead and cheeks since it looks very flat and other parts get minimal injection. You can see an obvious wound on my upper lip after the surgery.