After 6 months of Eye, Breast, Fat grafting Surgery

minj_kk0504 minj_kk0504

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  • Ngày phẫu thuật : 2018.03.04
It's been a week since the surgery. Pain has gotten better so much and the swelling subside pretty much. It's a little weired how one side of my boob still hurts. All the stitches and the taping on the chest were removed today. Now I can take shower, yeah~ My thighs are all bruised up, but they don't hurt that much. Now I can sit and stand whenever I want to LOL My double fold looks exactly how I wanted them to be, an in-out line. It is a bit early to put on contact lenses neither the make-up, but I cannot wait^^
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It's been 6 months now. Things settled down so much now and even fat grafting touch up as well. Now everything looks so natural that not people don't really recognize if I got any work done. The volume on my face, the double fold on my eyelids are just right now. I used to have sleepy eyes when my non-incision method fold was released from long ago. Now I got out of the sleepy eyes~ I cannot wait to wear cute bras cuz I've been wearing sports bra because I had to wear the wire-less bra and I really didn't like myself in it. A type of bra that is in trend now is called a bra-let. I never thought I could wear it cuz it has to be on big boobs LOL I don't even need a push-up bra.
Hi guys~ It's been so long since I post up my review. Now I am onto my 5 months since the surgery. I'm not so sure if it's from the fat harvesting from my thighs for the fat grafting, my thighs look thinner LOL!!! It might have influenced a little^^ That little bit makes some differences^^ I already done the fat grafting touch up and the swelling has gotten down already. I don't usually see a lot of clinics care for the patients post surgery, but I do get a strong impression that they care a lot about me which makes me feel so comfortable. The forehead has gotten down so much from the first fat graft, but with help of a touch up, I can definitely see the difference. I was really indefinite of the fat grafting result after losing some weight. Luckily, it did not happen. The double fold has come down a little and the line looks soooo much more natural. It just looks like my own. I will try to leave more review when things settle down a lot more within like a year~
It's been a Month post operation. Now I don't feel much heavy or sharp pain anymore. I feel like my nerve has been repaired. My nipples feel much better as well cuz it used to be toooooo sensitive. I think the texture of the breast would get softer. I was told that the texture of the tear drop isn't as good as the round type so I guess I will just wait a little more. The most difficult thing I'm facing right now is wearing a compression band in weather like this, reaching up to 39 degrees. Now I don't have any problem taking care of a baby or the house chores. I'm just so amazed of today's technology how fast I can get back to my daily living after the surgery only after 2 weeks. WOW!!! I will soon be getting a scar laser, but the scar doesn't look too bad though^^ My C-section scar had a puffy look because I have keloid type skin, but this time, the scar under the breast didn't. Thanks to my Doc for being so neat on my surgery. My double eyelid look so much more natural than last week and people don't even notice I got the fat grafting done. I still get very swollen double eyelids when I wake up in the morning because I tend to swell in the morning so I am going to try exercising so I can speed up the de-swell process. I hope to see the pretty double eyelids probably within 2 months^^
I stop by at the clinic for a 3 week follow up. I did not realize how swollen my face was until the pain on my breast disappeared. But I was relieved after doctor told me that the fat grafting on my face looks very natural considering the fact that it's only been three weeks and it needs some more time to look natural. I would look a lot better when it de-swells, right? The residues from the taping on my left boob looks a bit nasty, right?? The nurse told me I have taping on the left side since I have bigger implant on the left side to hold its place. I guess I just need to wait although it itches so crazy. I was told that boobs would get a little hard when it reaches a month post op so if there is anyone out there who's worried about the hardness, please don't be. The incision area would get hard, but it will get softer in time. I hope I can come to my family reunion next week with my make-over look.
It's been 2 weeks now. Major swelling is gone, but I just don't feel comfortable wearing contact lenses nor putting on make-up. It is very noticeable that I got some work done at this point LOL, but I am so glad it went well.