jinyoung jinyoung

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  • Tên bác sĩ : -
  • Ngày phẫu thuật : 2016.08.17
  • 218
  • 4
  • 6398
I am truly amazed by the transformation! I look so good in my pictures and my friends even commented that I can even take part in beauty pageants! Lol!
No more post swelling chubby cheeks and I knew I had to still maintain! Don’t ever take things for granted!
I was back to my daily routine and I could eat almost anything I want. It felt as if most of the swelling had gone down and I feel myself getting prettier by the day :P
Most of the bruising went down and I could eat more solids plus even noodles!
Swelling came after the surgery and I had slight difficulty in drinking fluids. The doctor advised for me to be admitted for 2 days so they could care for me. I had some phlegm built up right after the surgery but it all got better after 3 days. I managed pumpkin porridge after 3 days!
I was extremely nervous on surgery day but the staffs at the hospital were very helpful. After the surgery, I thought the pain was actually quite bearable.