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Sunny Sunny

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I know that there is very little downtime, but I could never have imagined it to be so fast! I even had time to go out with friends! ^^ I stayed in Korea for 3 weeks to travel before I went back home with my voluminous body! Now I can walk around with my head up high! Thank you THE Plastic Surgery!
I heard from my friend that she also had her breast augmentation done. However, she went through a lot of pain with the massaging of her newly done breasts and that really scared me. However, for my surgery, there is nothing of that sort. No need for massages and no need for any kind of incision removal. The best part is that the recovery period is so fast! Now whenever I go out shopping, I sensed that people tend to drift towards my chest area and that made me really happy and proud of my new figure. I cannot help but to feel like a supermodel.
Despite the fact that there is little to almost no pain, the nurse told me not to lift heavy objects. The next morning when I wake up, I took extra care on my heavy and full chest. After having my check up with the doctor, he assured me that my surgery went well and that my incisions looked good.
Day of surgery: I had instructions that after a long sleep I would wake up with all my surgery done. I woke up in the recovery room with slight pain but it felt more like a menstrual cramp that is bearable. After resting for about two hours, I was discharged from the hospital.