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There’s no capsular contracture (I hope not!) and I am very satisfied with my results.
I am doing well with the post-operative massages. As my breasts get softer each day, I started laser treatment to remove the incision marks at the armpit area. It is not that noticeable since it is folded within the wrinkles. However, the clinic provides free post-operative laser treatment to enhance patients’ satisfaction.
I went to the clinic for free ultrasonography and was very relieved that my breasts are staying well. Thank God, the clinic provides a lifelong checkup for free.
Right after operation: I was told that smooth implants are appropriate for people like me who are thinner and have thin tissues. Smooth implant feels good with the after touch however the post-operative massage given was much more painful than the actual surgery. Still, I can't take my eyes off my breasts because I feel like I have a permanent padded bra on my chest now.