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Hyunnie Hyunnie

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  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2016.03.03
  • 133
  • 0
  • 4089
Never would have thought I am able to achieve a body figure like this... I am very satisfied with my results and will continue to exercise and eat healthy to maintain my figure. Thank you so much Rovlavenue!!!
I can notice my thighs starting to get slimmer!!
I managed to lose more weight through exercising and a strict diet, I feel lighter and healthy as a whole, its really a good feeling! My arm have also never been this slender before!
No more bulging stomach! Even my jeans is big on me now! My S line has also gotten more defined!
I can feel a significant change just after 3 months, especially when I am wearing jeans and leggings! The shape of my legs show nicely! My arms are also less flabby than before.