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Beautiful eyes and Nose!

Siwei Siwei

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  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2015.06.21
Before I had my surgery done, my double eyelids were very mismatched with one side bigger than the other. As for my nose, I felt that it was very big and thick and it looks like a guy’s nose which I often here people commenting about. Im not sure if that is the reasons, but because of the way my nose and eyes were, I was often told that I has an unapproachable and fierce look to me.
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For those friends that I don’t get to see often or aren’t super close with me can’t even tell where I did my surgery on. They will keep on asking me where or which part of my face did I had surgery on as it was done so naturally and doesn’t look fake at all. Im so happy and obviously, my confidence level was greatly boosted. Thank You JW!!