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Philtrum Reduction, Lovely Smile Balanced, Cupid’s bow lip Surgery

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Hello guys~ I recently had lip surgery in HYUNDAI AESTHETICS and would like to share my personal experience with you. I originally had quite long philtrum and downturned mouth corners which made me look older than my actual age. After searching internet a few months, I found out Misooda got good promotions with them and realized Dr. Hong is famous for lip and philtrum procedures in Korea. And there are not so many surgeons who can handle this well in Korea, though. The surgery took about around 2 hours and after surgery, it wasn’t that much bad as I worried a bit. It’s been more than a month since I had it and I’m truly satisfied with the outcome! I can’t thank the doctor enough about his great work and their services. Now I got much more confidence, so I recommend you guys to check out these procedures!
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After 1 month