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rhinoplasty88 rhinoplasty88

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  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2016.01.14
I injured my nose last year when I went to the water park with my friends. Truth is, the reason why I was so worried is because I had my nose done approximately 2 years ago and there was silicon in it! It was infected so and since then my nostrils also gradually became different sizes. This episode brought a huge impact and I really felt like there's something bad happening to it.
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After my first failed surgery, I don't want a typical Korean nose but I want make a nose that fits with my face. Fortunately, this surgery gave a really natural nose giving me so much more confidence especially on model shoots!
I became more confident to take selfies at all angles!
U can see my nose is getting really natural now!
I still have some swelling and some discomfort. But I was able to meet people covering up with some make-up.
Only 7 days and my nose is already in shape! I had to cancel all photo shoots during recovery period (FYI I’m a model for an online shopping mall)
I finally decided on GNG who is well known for doing nose revision surgery after asking some friends. I think it’s the best choice as I have had infection and due to the weird structure of my nose.