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This is my 3 months update since rhinoplasty and fat grafting to my face. My nose is looking good it’s looking very natural and the tip is swelling down now as well. So far super happy with my results. As for my fat grafting abit if it has been absorbed in, however I was told this during surgery to come back for touch up. This will ensure it lasts longer so I have already booked in a time ????.
2 months post surgery and my nose is looking great. Most of the swelling around my bridge has subsided only a bit on the tip. Most nose shape is defining really well as well as my fat grafting has swelled down and looks completely natural. My nose is done really natural and received a lot of compliments on how well my new nose looks. So far I have not experienced any pain or infections to my surgery area and recovering super well. I’m so excited to continue see how my nose will look when it’s completely healed.
This is my 1 month post rhinoplasty and fat grafting. Major of my swelling, swelling and red eye is gone, and no pain at all. The surgery went really well I am so far happy with the result other than the occasional swelling due to eating unhealthy food. From the picture you can see that the nose looks a lot more natural now and I am so happy Dr Koh did a really natural job on it. As most of friend and family cannot tell what I did assuming I look abit different. My nose bridge has subsided a lot other than the tip of nose in the picture is still swollen which will take a while as advised. Full recovery will take up to a yet. The staffs at BK hospital are super nice and messages me to Update now my post op is doing. So far I’m super happy!
This day was the 7th day after surgery, stitch and cast removal for my rhinoplasty. I was super excited and nervous to see what my new nose will look like. The nurse removed my stitches and cast gently I would say the pain is 5/10. After the surgeon who operated on me checked up on my nose and fat grafted area to make sure everything was on track. My nose was a success though still very swollen. Although my face my still swollen I can already slightly see the shape of my new nose and please to see the final result.
Okay, it is day 2 since my operation my face is definitely swollen but it’s definitely going down and bruising around my eyes are also less. Day2 I headed off to BK Hospital to get my first bandage change and cotton removed from my nose. The first few days were struggles to sleep as I had to sleep he’d lifted and breath thru my mouth. So I was definitely excited to get the cottons removed but also acted as it may be painful. Lucky enough Tanya who is my consultant stayed with me the whole time explaining everything and made me feel relax and comfortable. I would have to say removing the cottons out of the nose is a bit painful 5/10 and your nose will be a bit sore for the first few hours. Lucky everything looked fine the nurse cleaned my nose and I can come back on day 5 for another check up. I am super excited as we head towards day7 for the final check up and cast removal!
I had forgotten to say what type of rhinoplasty I did from the previous post I did silicone and for my tip Dr Koh used my septil cartilage and thigh fat taken to do my fat grafting. Face has swelled up, which is normal as for the first 48 hours is when the swelling occurs. I woke feeling no pain just woke up a few times during the night as I was not use to breathing thru my mouth and a little bit of pain on my thigh where fat was withdrawn. As the weather in Korea is really cold atm it’s winter everything is very dry. I felt alright today so I went out shopping and walking which is supposed to be good for recovery and swelling.
The day of the surgery I arrived at BK Hospital Korea. When I arrived I was greeted by Tanya my consultant who took into the room about the process and medications I would need. Then after i changed into the hospital gown and had my final consultation with Dr Koh my surgeon who will be doing my rhinoplasty and fat grafting to make sure all details and design was correct. Once that was done I took a before and after pic, washed my face and went to the operating theatre. Laid on the operation table and anaesthesia was administered and fell asleep. Waking up hours later I fell abit drowsy then felt fine and extremely happy. No pain and laid in the recovery room til I was ready to head back to the hotel. Tanya came back to help me after my surgery, helped me order porridge and booked a taxi for me. The service at BK Hospital is definitely a great experience.