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Sparkly eyes!

jiahui jiahui

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I had non-incision double eye surgery, epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty at Apgujong Seoul Plastic Surgery. My eyes couldn’t open after I finished surgery but got a little better the next day. Although I did the suture method, it felt a bit like the cutting method as the swelling made me feel very uncomfortable. However the thought of looking good after the surgery gave me strength to keep on persevering.
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My 6 months after surgery picture! Don’t I look really natural now? The results surpasses way above my expectations!!
This is how I look after 3 months, I could not have imagined such perfect eye shape. I look good even without make up!
my eyes get bigger and i love the result
Swelling went down after a week and the eye corners weren’t that red any more, except the folds still felt like it was a wee little thick.
I got used to the swelling after 3 days post-surgery.