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Hannah Chen Hannah Chen

  • การปรึกษากับแพทย์ :
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  • แพทย์ : Myeong Cheol Kim
  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2016.04.14
  • 258
  • 5
  • 7032
with my new breast size, my body shape really changed~!! and i love it how their shape right now ^^
3 months later, the touch got much better than the first time. As the swelling went down, I was worried that the size of my breasts would shrink too, but as the time passed it looked voluminous and natural. After the surgery, I started to get interested in clothes with low neckline and cute underwear. Now that I have bigger breasts, I prefer feminine style rather than boxy fit clothes that I used to wear.
After 1 month of the surgery, thanks to the Smart Quick Mammoplasty I didn’t have much swelling nor pain. At the hospital, I received the follow-up care and I felt my recovery was really fast. Also, I didn’t have inconvenience to do any activity because I didn’t use the blood bag. Still the touch or sensitivity felt awkward, but I could clearly see that my breasts got bigger and a cleavage. I got so happy.