Korean Time

hiruoye hiruoye

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 私は子供の頃から格好良くなりたかったので、Topface美容外科でカウンセリングを受けた後、この病院で手術を受けることを決めました。 そして今、自分の願いが叶いました。 目のラインと高い鼻が自然に見えるようになりとても満足しています。そして 表情も柔らかくなって、同時により男性的な顔立ちになりました!  Topface美容外科に出会えたことは私の人生のターニングポイントです。 人生の転機となりました。 見た目で心も考え方も大きく変わったと思います。 これから始まる新しい自分の人生がとても楽しみです。
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Time flies so fast, now swelling is gone and I feel more comfortable. And I hear a lot of compliments regarding my appearance. I think I did a pretty good job considering the plastic surgery. Now if I do not tell people first that I had surgery nobody knows about it. I am happy because I think that my appearance changed naturally and I am satisfied. Nowadays, I live by listening to funny pictures. These days, I’m very into taking selfies.
I was worried about whether my nose was too high, but I am satisfied with the surrounding reaction that I became more masculine. The more I look in the mirror, the more I forget my preoperative face that looked plain. I expect to see a transformation when the swelling disappears more.
It’s been a month since surgery. As the swelling gradually disappeared the surgery that seemed overdone became natural and people around me started complimented me, so I thought it was good idea to have surgery. I was walking a lot to reduce swelling quickly.