Korean Time

yunseol yunseol

  • 医師との相談 :
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手術前: 「象の足、雷太もも」。 あなたが私と同じくらい脂肪がついて重い下半身を持っていたら、あなたもおそらくそのようなニックネームで呼ばれたでしょう。 太ももの太さにストレスを感じていたので、太ももの脂肪吸引を受けることを決めました。 この手術は母と私の間の秘密だったので、父はそれを知りませんでした。 手術の日: スーパーモデルの脚で手術室から出てくると思ってましたが、腫れと包帯で以前よりも足が太くなっていることは想像もしていませんでした!
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When I was called thunder thighs or elephant legs, I never imagined that I could fit into short skirts or skinny jeans one day, but now I can!!! Now I can wear fashionable clothes and carry myself with confidence!
No words can describe how happy I was after the Liposuction. Not only did my legs look longer, my butt looks as if I had a butt lift done as well! After I got liposuction done, wearing the compression garment as per instructed by my doctor was a bit uncomfortable. I saw my legs got slimmer each day as I carefully followed instructions and my confidence was boosted after that.
Doctor Kim Su Cheol explained to me that the swelling and bruises on my legs would disappear really quickly and assured me not to worry too much. Low and behold, they really did disappear rather quickly! I can start to see how awesome my slim legs will turn out and I feel so happy about it!