Korean Time

kristen kristen

  • 医師との相談 :
  • 親切度 :
  • 環境 :
  • 価格 :
  • 満足 :
手術前:  私は他の美容外科クリニックでコンサルタントとして働いていました。 仕事でのストレスから過食をしてしまい、残念なことに、体重がかなり増えてしまい、自信を失いました。ダイエットプログラムに行くために仕事を辞めましたが、結局失敗してしまいました。 その後様々な情報をし検索し、美容外科クリニックで脂肪吸引を受けることにしました。
  • 676
  • 5
  • 7605
I went back to the clinic for more post-operative care because I felt that it helped me enhance my body shape. Just to share the good news that I finally achieved my ideal weight at 50 kg!!!
I finally started to see some changes on my waistline and thighs. Effect starts to appear as time goes by and my body shape becomes more toned with exercise and dietary control that was taught by clinic.
I didn't expect much about any post-operative care services but the staff gave me post swelling services which I felt was really thoughtful of them!
After surgery but just before discharging from the clinic, the staff explained post-operative home caution such as how to exercise and maintain a healthy diet.
On the day of operation: On the day of surgery, I am well aware of this liposuction procedure since I was a consultant myself. But still, I was constantly whining to the clinic staff to relieve myself. When I was working as a consultant, I avoided patients who were very whinny like me. However, somehow the clinic staff knew my anxiety and were helpful in calming me down by constantly talking to me.