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 皆さん、こんにちは! 私は23歳のカナダ人の女の子で、全身脂肪吸引と豊胸手術を受けるために韓国に来ました。 何週間もの間、MISOODAとやり取りしたのですが、MISOODAは私の希望や予算に合うプラン考えてくれて多くの選択肢を提示してくれました。 勧めてくれたクリニックすべてがとても評判が良かったので悩んだのですが、最終的にプリティボディクリニックに行くことに決めました。 私は身長155cm、体重55kg、体脂肪20%の「スキニー脂肪」です。 脂肪のほとんどが足に集中していて、しかも左右不均一でした(右太ももは51.5cmですが、左太ももは50cmです)!! 担当の医師(Dong Jin Choi)は、腹部、太もも、脇の下の脂肪吸引、ふくらはぎと腕へのボトックス、そしてB +カップサイズのBellaGel(韓国ブランド)乳房インプラント(シリコンバッグ)術を勧めてくれました。
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It has been 1 month since my breast augmentation and liposuction and I feel great! I know it takes 3-6 months to see full liposuction results, but I noticed that my undergarment is getting less tight every day!! So far I have lost 5 lbs and 2 cm in my thighs and 1cm in my stomach. I'm still waiting for my calves and arms (used botox not lipo) to become less fat. I will let you know :)
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
I visited PB every day to clean wounds, have IV injection, and apply allergy cream. I will update this review after 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months to show the full results! So far, I'm feeling a lot better. Day 2-4 was the worse for pain as it hurt to move, but it's important to walk around to avoid blood clots and to take your medicate (I have to take pills 4x a day). You will get better every day slowly, so be patient
Visit PB clinic for operation (4 hours), recovery (8 hours), and then went home. The staff at Pretty Body Clinic was super nice, especially my English translators. I spoke with Angelina and Hyelim who answered all my questions. They also stayed with me during my operation and recovery. Angelina prepared all of my medication, undergarment, and porridge for when I woke up from recovery. While Hyelim helped me walk around, go to the bathroom, and even drove me back to my accommodation at 12AM!! I have never experienced such great staff and healthcare, even in Canada.
Visit PB Clinic for consultation, payment, and triple body laser. If you have the time, I highly recommend you to ask for this as it helps dissolve your fat cells for liposuction. My doctor said I didn't swell or bruise as much because of the triple body laser!!
Arrive in Korea. I booked an Airbnb that was 5 minute walk from Pretty Body Clinic (PB) so it'd be easy for me to go in for check-ups.