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naraee27 naraee27

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 現在、手術後7日目です。今日ギプスを除去しました。ギプスを取る時や抜糸の時、とても痛みが強いというレビューをたくさん読んでいたのでとても緊張しましたが、今はとにかく新しい鼻を見るのもとても楽しみです^^  私の場合、そのような痛みも思ったよりひどくなく、ほんの少し涙が出た程度でした。ギプスを除去した後に鼻を見ると、まず鼻の高さに驚きました。担当医師は以前より本当によくなったと言ってくれました。  正面から見た姿だけでなく、横顔から見た姿もとてもいいと褒めてくれることがとてもうれしいです。  多くの人が、脂肪注入後に皮膚に問題が生じたという声を聞いていましたが、私の場合、肌の調子が以前より健康的になったように感じました。一週間メイクをしなかったことが良かったのかもしれません。担当医師が私の目の内側が傷つくことを心配し、右目にわずかな糸を残してくれたと聞いたとき、私はとても感銘を受けました。彼は私が自分のことを心配する以上に私のことを心配して気にかけてくれました。 ギプス除去と抜糸が済んだので、私はネイルをきれいに塗って口紅をつけました。ちゃんとメイクアップした訳ではなく軽く口紅を塗っただけも、以前の自分との変化にとても驚きました。変化した今の顔にとても満足しています。早くきちんとメイクアップした自分の顔を見てみたいです。大変身にきっと鏡をきちんと見ることができないくらかもしれません。
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It's been 3 months now! It feels like everything has settled down now. My eyes and nose^^ They all look very natural~ So many people has said the line of my nose from the side looks perfect. So many people mentioned that I look much more feminine and asked me where I got my eyes done
It's been 2 months already now. It felt like time would never move on, but now it just feels like couple days ago I got the surgery. You know how you don't even notice time passing when you are very happy? This is exactly what happened to me. I am just very excited to see myself. I tried to compare the photos from the day of surgery with the ones I took today. The swelling definitely has gone down so much and taking selfies and putting on make-up just gets more exciting and exciting. I used to just take the selfie from one side because of my asymmetric eyes, but now I can be careless of what side I take the photos^^ I am very satisfied of the result so far~
1 month has passed with a blink^^ The discomfort on my nose has been slowly going away. The numbness is also improving day by day. The swelling has went down so much so I keep taking pictures from the side cuz the line on the side looks good. One of the friends who used to be very opposed to plastic surgery now wants to do something after seeing me recover LOL I get a lot of self-confidence when people complements on my new look. Over-all look is very natural and people don't even notice I got my eyelids done, not even the fat grafting, of course. If I ever get asked, I will definitely recommend getting a plastic surgery if someone is considering a plastic surgery for an improvement. Of course too much is worse than nothing, but little bit for a self-contentment wouldn't hurt. My consultant has been very supportive and considerate so I felt very comfortable throughout the follow-up. Not only the surgery itself, but also the after-care seems to be very important as well. I finished the whole box of the pumpkin juice and didn't even sleep fat for 3 week and I think this helped a lot too^^
It's been 7 days post op. I got to remove the cast today. I was very nervous because I read a lot of reviews on how painful it was to remove cast and the stitches, but also very excited to see my nose^^ In my case, it wasn't too bad, just a little bit of tear LOL When I saw my nose after the cast removal, I was so surprised how high my nose looks. The doc told me the nose come out really well. I really like the fact that I get a lot of compliments on my profile not only the front view. I heard a lot of people saying that their skin got some troubles after the fat grafting, but in my case, the skin looks even healthier for some reason. I guess it might be because I couldn't do any make up for a week. Anyhow, I was very impressed with the doctor when he concerned of the scar on the inner corner of my eyes and left just a little bit of thread on my right eye. He seems to care more than I do myself. I got my nails done and put on some lipstick since I removed cast and stitches, looking pretty normal. I am very surprised how I look now only with the lipstick on, not even a full make-up, I'm already loving how I look now. I cannot wait to see with a full make-up on. I cannot help myself keep looking in the mirror.