Korean Time

jo_y90 jo_y90

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今、手術の日と同じように緊張しています。 クリニックに行く途中で自撮りを撮りました。 腫れはかなり引いてきていますよね? 目の周りの黄色っぽいあざは消えて、目立たなくなりました。 まだ術後1週間しか経っていないのに、大きな腫れはすでに引いてきました。私はハッピーな気持ちでクリニックに向かいました。 ダダァァァ! ギプスが外され、抜糸が終わった後、ようやく安心することができました。腫れもだいぶ引いて、写真でみると少しエキゾチックな感じに見えます。担当ドクターも二重まぶたがとてもきれいにできたと言ってくれて、帰宅途中でたくさんの自撮り写真を撮りました。 鼻の手術後、目と目が近くなるのではないかと心配していましたが、幸いにもそうはならなくてホッとしました。 私は自分の横顔を見るのをやめることができず、鏡をずっと見続けました。 担当ドクターは、今後腫れはもっと引いてくるだろうと仰っていたので、最終的にもっとかわいい自分になれることを今から期待しています。
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5 months after
It is four months already! No one can notice that I’ve had surgery if I don’t tell them. On the street people who I don’t even know tell me I'm so pretty. I can’t believe this is happening to me and I've never imagined this could happen in my life. Nowadays I can give some advice to my friends who are considering plastic surgery. It seems all my close friends have got used to my new look and don’t mention it anymore, but some other friends still ask me it something changed with me and tell me I look great. This makes me feel awesome. I can finally touch my nose now and it doesn't look so obvious anymore now the swelling has gone, especially my side view which is so pretty. I'm so glad to hear a doctor said my fat survival rate is pretty good four months after the surgery.
The swelling has almost gone now three months after surgery. Fat grafting after the puffiness is going down and everybody tells me I'm pretty. My look is much more natural and pretty now. My concern about taking the surgery was wasted. I never understood why people take eyelid surgery even though they already had one. I happily spend my time staring at the mirror No one notices my nose job if I don’t tell them. Maybe it looks so natural? People that haven’t seen me for a while comment that something has changed but cannot work out what and they often say I look pretty. It’s only been three months after the surgery and in these three months I’ve been much happier than the 24 years prior to surgery.
I was wondering when the swelling would disappear, and two months after the surgery it had more or less gone. Before surgery I didn’t care much about my makeup, but now after surgery I'm getting excited to apply makeup and try some new makeup style I've never done before. People tell me that after my surgery I look pretty and even someone asked my number, which never happened to me before. I’ve really got used to my new high nose now and I can’t even imagine how it used to look in past...! I still get surprised when I touch my nose... and how my nose became.... Why didn’t I consider the surgery sooner.. I so regret that I wasted time not doing it sooner.. This was my first surgery and it became exactly what I wanted it to be, so I am really satisfied with the result and it’s made my life much happier
After 1 month