Korean Time

huei_llyy huei_llyy

  • 医師との相談 :
  • 親切度 :
  • 環境 :
  • 価格 :
  • 満足 :
 私は鼻筋が極端に低いわけではありませんでしたが、鼻先が少し下に押されている様な状態でした。 鼻の側面部分が広がっていて、鼻が顔の大部分を覆っているように見えました。また 丸い顔と横に広がった鼻のせいで、顔全体が大きく見え、小鼻部分も強いイメージでずっと悩まされてきました。そのせいで鼻の穴も常に広がって見えていました。
  • 53
  • 0
  • 2582
I was advised to do a surgery that would reduce my nasal base and raise my nasal tip at the same time. I was told that there are limits to how much I can reduce my alar base so reduction will only be done to the point before my nose starts to appear unnatural. However, the surgery lifted up my nasal bridge which somehow made my nasal base appeared much narrower. One thing for sure is that there is now a three-dimensional effect added to the center of my face, giving it a slimmer overall look. Scarring was not as bad as I had expected and it did not cause me much inconvenience.