Korean Time

newy newy

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 私はずっと脂肪と体重のためにとても強いストレスを感じていました。体重を減らそうとしましたが、リバウンド現象のために再び体重が増え、これを繰り返したため、皮膚が垂れ下がってしまいました。 もうこれ以上同じことを繰り返したくなかったので、バノバギ美容外科で脂肪吸引手術を行うことにしました^^ これが脂肪吸引前の写真です! 術後は思ったよりも腫れが少なかったですが、いくつかあざができました。
  • 204
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You can barely see the scar from liposuction surgery~~ I can now wear the skirt I bought before the surgery T.T I am soooooooo impressed!!! Proud of myself! For those of you who worry about the fats you cannot lose with exercise, Do not hesitate to take the chance for this new life !! You can wear stylish clothing and also find confident for yourself!
I did lost lot of weight… I’m so HAPPY!!! >.<
Wow, abdomen fats are gone a lot, too!
I still have fats on inner thighs.. Go away, you fats!!
Wow, my pants got this empty!!
Outer side of thigh line is smoothening than before! Bruises are going away, and swellings are subsiding too! I removed the stitches today, and it hurt just a little!
I had bruises, and it all became yellowish T.T I have some swellings, but as fats are removed, I can easily cross my legs!
I started wearing compression garment from 3 days after surgery~