Korean Time

chubby honey chubby honey

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I can see and feel the dramatic change for scar, texture, and shape for first few months, but as time goes, the improvement is pretty slow. Look at my body shape…. Hehe I bought this black sleeveless shirt long time ago and wore it this day for the first time.. T.T I am just amazed to feel the difference in texture how it was hard in the beginning and gets softer every day~
Scar is fading away, and shape is settled in its place. I was told that texture of the breast implant takes about 6 months to 1 year, or 2 years to keep care of. I have tightened breast now~ Who could imagine I would have this breast? I buy C-cup size bra and still cannot believe it! The texture is softer now, and I can make cleavage with wire bra~
Major swellings subsided and shape is becoming more natural. I can lie down, or lie face down with No Problem~ Scar condition is really good! I love the post-op scar treatments very much!!! Texture is becoming softer, and I can slowly make cleavage!!
It’s been 1 months already! Same clothes, different feeling, right?? I started for laser treatment to improve the scar from surgery, Which was 2 types of lasers and injection for it!
After about 3 weeks, I had no problem in movement at all~~~ I heard that under the breast incision’s recovery time is faster than armpit incision. I have bit of stinging feelings sometimes, But I started to have cleavage!!!